Title: A Way Back Into Love Series: Love Series #1
By: Veronica Thatcher
Publication Date: February 15, 2017
Publisher: Notion Press
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Notion Press

Nothing is perfect. Life is messy. Relationships are complex. Outcomes, uncertain. People, irrational. But love…well, that makes everything complicated. And when you are caught in a tangled web of secrets, lies, and complex affairs, someone is bound to get burned.
Emily Stevens is a spunky, spirited college girl whose life gets turned upside-down when she realizes she's in love with her best friend of fifteen years, Derek Thorpe. As Emily prepares to confess her feelings to Derek, something happens one night which changes her life forever. Five years later, Emily finds herself in Boston, alone and heartbroken. Will she ever be able to forget the past? And what will she find when she returns home...to the man she left behind?
Emily Stevens is a spunky, spirited college girl whose life gets turned upside-down when she realizes she's in love with her best friend of fifteen years, Derek Thorpe. As Emily prepares to confess her feelings to Derek, something happens one night which changes her life forever. Five years later, Emily finds herself in Boston, alone and heartbroken. Will she ever be able to forget the past? And what will she find when she returns home...to the man she left behind?
This review was supposed to be scheduled yesterday, but unfortunately, I was not able to post it because I was not feeling really well. So, here it is, even if it's a day late. Better late than never, right?
This is one of those stories that best friends fell in love with each other. This reminds me of the movie Love, Rosie. An adaptation of Cecilia Ahern's book "Where Rainbows End". This story is a bit similar to that book in a sense that there were a lot of misunderstandings which was the reason why they never ended up with each other until they were fifty. Almost too late. But fortunately, in this book. It didn't take that long, just five years after.
I love stories of best friends that eventually end up together. It is just so nice to know that the strongest and the best friendships almost always end up in the altars. In a way, it's a modern-fairy-tale-kind-of-ending which is so not far off.
Wow! I can really feel the tension between Emily and Derek's first meeting after five years. Those long years when both of them still long and thought of the other but never reached out because of a very ill-fated, stupid and crazy misunderstanding. And just like the movie Love, Rosie, it all started with a kiss though their feelings for each other began way before that. And to make things more awkward, Derek is supposed to be marrying Emily's sister. Who can top that? It was like stabbing Emily's heart with a wooden stake and leaving it there with her to carry around.
I can understand the reaction of Emily. I think it was so warranted and Derek deserved how he was treated until everything was revealed and explained. I think the universe pretty much messed up this two. Thankfully, they realized what they were really meant to each other before it was too late.
I give this 4/5 swing sets. Though the story was not very unique but the way it was written was very climactic. The way the misunderstanding was revealed and the events surrounding it, was done exceptionally well. It did not reveal everything at once but piece by piece as to give the reader a breath to take it all in. I really liked it. I think the beauty of how the revelations were done just what really made the story for me. There was no other way I would have wanted it. It was shocking, painful and gratifying at the same time. Finally, the truth is out. The elephant in the room has been exorcised amazingly. Good job, Veronica Thatcher. Nice to meet you.
I love stories of best friends that eventually end up together. It is just so nice to know that the strongest and the best friendships almost always end up in the altars. In a way, it's a modern-fairy-tale-kind-of-ending which is so not far off.
Wow! I can really feel the tension between Emily and Derek's first meeting after five years. Those long years when both of them still long and thought of the other but never reached out because of a very ill-fated, stupid and crazy misunderstanding. And just like the movie Love, Rosie, it all started with a kiss though their feelings for each other began way before that. And to make things more awkward, Derek is supposed to be marrying Emily's sister. Who can top that? It was like stabbing Emily's heart with a wooden stake and leaving it there with her to carry around.
I can understand the reaction of Emily. I think it was so warranted and Derek deserved how he was treated until everything was revealed and explained. I think the universe pretty much messed up this two. Thankfully, they realized what they were really meant to each other before it was too late.
I give this 4/5 swing sets. Though the story was not very unique but the way it was written was very climactic. The way the misunderstanding was revealed and the events surrounding it, was done exceptionally well. It did not reveal everything at once but piece by piece as to give the reader a breath to take it all in. I really liked it. I think the beauty of how the revelations were done just what really made the story for me. There was no other way I would have wanted it. It was shocking, painful and gratifying at the same time. Finally, the truth is out. The elephant in the room has been exorcised amazingly. Good job, Veronica Thatcher. Nice to meet you.
...people freaking change. They change and become shells of the people they used to be; they change and they change so much that they become unrecognizable.
- Veronica Thatcher, A Way Back Into Love -

Derek let out a frustrated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "Em…I mean that…It’s just this person you have become. The Emily I used to know didn’t hit on random guys at the bar."
Emily crossed her arms over her chest and gave Derek a glare. "Five years is a long time, Derek. Maybe I have changed," she said, "And besides, why do you care so much?"
Derek glared back at her as he replied harshly, "Oh, so you have changed so much over the last five years that now you throw yourself at random men like a…” he trailed off, not finishing his sentence.
Emily’s mouth fell open and her eyes widened as she let Derek’s words set in. She couldn’t believe her own ears for a minute. Had Derek really accused her of being a slut? She couldn’t believe it – it all felt like a nightmare.
"What did you just say to me?" Emily whispered, her voice sounding foreign to her own ears. "What did you just say to me?" Emily asked in a louder voice this time.
Derek didn’t say a word as he continued to look at Emily coldly.
Emily took a step towards Derek and narrowed her eyes. Poking Derek’s chest with the index finger of her right hand, she said in a soft yet acerbic voice, "You don’t get to call me a whore. You’ve no right to judge me. Do you hear me? You’ve no fucking right to judge me." The anger, the jealousy and the heartache combined with the alcohol she had consumed gave Emily a newly acquired courage. She felt more emboldened than she had felt in her entire life, and so, she didn’t hold back in letting out her pent-up exasperation. "You broke me," Emily continued, her words slurring slightly, "You broke me, but I am all glued up together now. And I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke. You don’t get to call me a whore." Emily finished her diatribe, her breaths coming in short pants as a result of her outburst.
Derek looked into her eyes, the anger and bitterness in his eyes now replaced by confusion. "I broke you? What do you mean?" he asked in a bewildered voice, his eyebrows shooting up.
Emily stepped back from him and shook her head. "Oh, you know damn well what I mean. You know what, Derek? I’m done having this conversation with you. I’m so done with this conversation and I’m so done with you," Emily spat out angrily before brushing past him.
"Emily, wait," Derek said, catching her by her arm. "Where are you going?"
Emily spun around and gave him a bitter look before looking down at his hand gripping her arm. "Leave my arm," she said in a low yet threatening voice, "And why do you care where I’m going? It’s none of your business."
Derek didn’t leave her arm in spite of her warning and said, "Em, you’ve had too many drinks. You can’t drive in this condition. I’ll drop you home."
Emily jerked her arm free from his grasp and replied in a bitter voice, "Thank you, but no. I’m perfectly capable of getting myself home on my own. I don’t need you to drop me home. Do you get it, Derek Thorpe? I DON’T NEED YOU!" Emily yelled the last words, causing a few people to look their way.
Veronica Thatcher is an exciting new contemporary romance author. Ever since she was very young, she’s dreamed of becoming a doctor when she grew up. While still forging ahead with that, majoring in pre-med in college, she unwittingly stumbled upon a new dream—becoming a published author. Some may call her an introvert or a wallflower, but she has always found she could express herself better in written, rather than spoken, words. However, never in her wildest dreams had she envisioned she would pursue writing as a prospective career, not just a hobby. Her love for writing goes hand-in-hand with her love for a good romance novel—whether it be a feel-good, sweet romance or a dark, suspenseful one. When she’s not studying, reading, or writing, she is usually found blasting her favourite songs, sometimes singing and dancing along to them. She dabbles in a number of activities, including painting, karate, singing and dancing. She is a huge chocoholic – probably the biggest – and she is an ice-cream junkie too. She considers herself technologically handicapped forever and has no shame in admitting that. She also deems chocolates her boyfriend, Patrick Dempsey the love of her life, and Friends her life! Her first book, A Way Back Into Love, is slated for release in February 2017, and she hopes readers will enjoy it as much as she enjoyed writing it. You can reach Veronica through Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Wattpad and Gmail.
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